Plantain Seed
Regular price
Plantain Seed
Bare untreated Plantain Seed - herbage
This seed mix could be used for
- Soil health improvements for will grow in lower fertility soils
- good grazing herb for horse paddocks
- lovely broadleaf - increase photosynthesis processes
- Grazing livestock higher Nutrition and protein
- Over sow a grass paddock for diversity
- Treat high impact areas in paddocks or laneways
- Add rich diversity to paddock for over all paddock health
- Use in permaculture and peri-Urban grounds
- Can be good mix to used in paddocks that repeat grow weeds or weed issues low succession plants
- leaves can be used for medicinal purposes act as drawing agent, vitamin enriched
Suggested sowing rates 1-2kg /ha into mixed grasses. This can be Broadcasted into the paddocks or grown in medicinal herb plots for drying/ light grazing use
Recommend using biostimulant and natural friendly fertilizers application through out the season once established and post grazing to maintain nutritional quality especially in poor soil health paddocks
* Can be spread with other grass seed mixes that are available on website.
can be sown summer or winter for soil health tap root system or as a protein source for livestock / horses to graze
Bare Seed Non coated Seed.
Size Available
500g, 1 kg via website ordering larger sizes please contact us.
If you need help please contact us
Not available to post WA & TAS